Thursday, July 19, 2018

I will conduct paterson job evaluation training and grading

I will conduct paterson job evaluation training and grading


I provide an online training programme on job evaluation to clients around the globe and prove the relevance, credibility, reliability and consistency of the Paterson Job Evaluation System in 2018 and beyond.


•      What is job evaluation

•      Aims of job evaluation.

•      How does job evaluation work?

•      Benefits of job evaluation.

•      Principles of job evaluation.

•      Current trends in job evaluation.

•      The role of job descriptions

•      The Paterson method of job evaluation(DBM)

•      The process of installing Paterson

•      The Role of the Job Evaluation Committee

•      The responsibilities of the Job Evaluation Committee

•      The role of Job descriptions

•      The Paterson Method

•      What is Banding?

•      Decision Bands

•      Application of the Banding Process

•      Sub-Grading and the Application of the sub-grading principle

•      Sub-grading criteria for non-coordinating jobs

•      Sub- grading criteria for coordinating jobs

•      Working conditions guidelines and the job evaluation

•      Job Evaluation appeals processes







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