Saturday, August 4, 2018

I will create professional google forms sheets graphs and presentations for you

I will create professional google forms sheets graphs and presentations for you


Be it survey questionnaires or using survey data for charts graphs and reports. I will create them all. I will use Google suites- Sheets,doc,slides and forms to give you that perfect report with all the data in one place for anybody to review .
How will I do this ? You give me raw questions ,and I will transform them into survey questions to guide data collection. 
If there is a report,that is raw .I will edit it,review it and create a presentation out of it for you. 
Give me raw data,and I will create an excel sheet with data presented in an organised and detailed manner for data analysis.
 I am flexible with the tasks,give me a brief description and we can come up with innovative ways and platforms to do it . 







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