Friday, June 29, 2018

I will do investor pitch deck, presentation, market research

I will do investor pitch deck, presentation, market research


js-gig-main-desc ">Hi

Business and startup need presentation in their day to day life to raise fund or to present company profile, report, proposal, sales etc. to top management, client etc. But everyone doesn't have enough skill or time to prepare effective deck. I am here to help such people.

Pitch deck needs following details

Market research 
target market
competitive analysis
business model
marketing plan
financial plan
fund required

Apart from design, I can help you with required market research to put in pitch deck
(Market research is only included in premium package)

I have done masters in business management so I am very good with presentation flow, research, proper articulation as well as attractive design.

If you think your requirement is not fitting any of predefined packages, please don't hesitate to contact me. I will send custom quote. 

Please consider option wisely before putting order to avoid cancellation. In case or urgent order, message me before putting order so i can clear my schedule accordingly.

Thank a lot in advance :)


anoukzisa:Komdee is smart and knows what she is doing.

komdee:Thanks alot

happidocsocial:good design capability

komdee:Thank you

miceducation:Komal helped me a lot in a tough deadline, thanks !

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