Sunday, July 29, 2018

I will review, edit and create up to 25 slides to make your presentation stand out and effective

I will review, edit and create up to 25 slides to make your presentation stand out and effective


I review, edit and create business presentations so you stand out and get the message across!

Whether it's a Powerpoint that needs to be presented or a Powerpoint deck that will be reviewed without pitching, I have successful experience with designing them.

My degrees in communication and management gave me insights in principles behind conveying a message and management needs.

I followed workshops about storytelling techniques, presentation styles and presentation design. I have created over 20 business powerpoint presentations in different design styles and did over 50 presentations for audiences (event marketing, new business product, strategy consulting...). I have experienced what works and what not and can help you not only to prevent common mistakes but to stand out from other presentations. 

I offer to review and edit existing presentations or can create them from zero - based on your needs.

Available in English, Dutch and French.







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